Despite the revelation, Carly refused to acknowledge any sisterly bond and was still determined to keep Gwen away from her baby.
Elizabeth witnesses the delivery, and it is her complex, sisterly bond with Moliseng that eventually forms the story's arc.
For the British writer Rosamund Lupton, the power of the sisterly bond must not have come as news.
Answering Troi's stare with a knowing smirk, Vale felt an almost sisterly bond with her.
In this episode, Bart goes on a quest to get a baby brother out of jealousy of the sisterly bond Lisa has with Maggie.
Danica was glad that Shayleigh was beside her once more, feeling an almost sisterly bond with the spirited elf.
She also claims that slanderous speech erodes one's honor and threatens the sisterly bond among women.
The Ya-Ya's caused shenanigans and chaos everywhere, but also had a sisterly bond that could fix anything.
Radha forms a sisterly bond with him and names him Suraj.
He also had Thompson and Winslet live together to develop their characters' sisterly bond.