Neither sister testified at the trial, and no one testified in support of their case.
My sister testified at the trial, and the day it ended she made the first of seven suicide attempts.
During the trial, Isabelle's sister testified that the couple had been talking for months about a separation.
Earlier in the trial, Daniel's sister testified that her brother's closet was where he liked to go to "imagine."
However, the accuser's sister, Davellin, testified that these problems were all caused by her father, before the divorce.
His sister testified to Lay's "tremendous integrity."
She said that Mrs. Simpson's mother, three sisters and her father would probably testify.
Mr. Killen's brother and sister testified he was home for a party the day of the killings, which prosecutors contend he planned.
Millwood's sister testified that although Smith had called on her brother to stop or he would shoot, Smith discharged the gun almost immediately.
The boy's 18-year-old sister and his 14-year-old brother testified last week, and also caused problems for the prosecution, analysts said.