Her sister suggested she talk it over with their parents before making any decisions.
He clearly shows concern for growing, as his sister suggested, into the role that many people envision for him.
Her sisters suggest she could go to a medium for help.
"You might want to consider getting some bangs cut," my sister suggested.
The sisters suggested the song to him, but he hated it on first hearing.
He began skating at age 4 after his sister suggested that he start.
As he speaks, holding an infant in his arms, the sister suggests that the baby be returned to her.
However, one sister suggested that, since the Whites had advocated the idea, they should therefore be the ones to bear these children.
"If we watch, too," his sister suggested brightly, "everyone will get another two hours of sleep."
But my sister, who from a very early age could recognize quality, suggested I look at old songs because she said they were better.