When I finally left the room, I realized for the first time that my sister struggled with the same insecurities everyone had.
Among those hoping to get on the truck, Akbar Jahangir, his sister, and mother struggled to stay together.
His sister might be struggling for her life this very instant and need all her concentration.
At the same time, Casim's younger sister struggles to find herself between the bullying of some Scottish schoolmates and her Pakistani relatives.
This empty door frame, standing alone without a wall, is where her sister struggled for her life against the rising water before she drowned.
Mr. Colton, however, chose to be a living example of exactly what his sister and her companion are struggling to combat.
His sister had been struggling when she was dragged into the boat, making sure she dug her marks in deeply for her brother to follow.
Her father and older sisters, Margaux and Joan, struggled with alcoholism.
With the financial crash in 1929, the sisters struggled with the $2 million debt on the St. Cloud Hospital.
In the week after his death, his sister struggled to focus her anger.