For the past 125 years, since 11 a.m. on Aug. 1, 1878, the sisters have been praying around the clock, in rotating shifts.
When Yama, the god of death visited his sister, his sister prayed for his well being.
As the evening arrived, the sisters again prayed the rosary, with the door open to his adjoining bedroom.
Since August 1, 1878, two Franciscan sisters pray without interruption for the world, the church, people, and the community.
The sisters pray five offices each day, and their Monastic Diurnal Revised is a popular prayer book for many outside of the community as well.
'My sister simply prayed her tumors away, honey, and so can you,' he cajoled her.
The good sister could obviously pray while walking; without a second's hesitation, she strode back toward our mounts.
The treasury would be spent on himself and his men while his sister would be praying in a monastery.
Sister, welcome: pray you, Be ever known to patience: my dear'st sister!
On this day, sisters pray for long life of their brothers.