My sister, of course, claims she was not afraid.
There is a multiple support agreement under which the three of you can agree to designate one sister to claim the exemption.
If my sister claims the mahogany dining room table, we will just eat turkey on the floor.
Now her sister was claiming credit for the whole thing, "Don't you have anything better to do, any of you? "
But she felt a quick, warm pride that her sister could claim it "And he's taken an interest in your work."
In summers past the sisters had claimed it as their own adventure playground.
Now, my sister claims that she owns one-third of the house and wants my father to buy her out.
I do not understand how light can be nutritious, but my sister claimed it was true.
The sisters claimed an alternative biography, which has long been accepted as factual.
As if suddenly bewitched, each sister claimed the man as her own.