When Kosilek was four, and her sister Patricia was seven, their mother Elizabeth was living in a trailer, with a boyfriend named Red.
Kosilek and her sister Patricia lived in the orphanage for five years.
John Forthrast, the eldest Forthrast brother who lost both legs in Vietnam and took parental responsibility for Zula after his sister Patricia died.
The Barones kept it a family business for many years, with both George and his sister Patricia running the business.
His sister Patricia graduated with a bachelor's degree in organizational communication at the University of Cincinnati in Ohio, and later worked in Los Angeles.
Her sister Patricia died in 1988 and Lorayne in 1993.
Mr. Stackhouse noted that Catherine and her sister Patricia were only 14 months apart.
My sister Patricia and some of my friends who visited me in the hospital were relieved.
Her sister Patricia divorced Mr. Coleman after his conviction and his relatives say she has not spoken, to him since the day he was arrested.
Her parents never married, and Daniela and her sister Patricia were raised by their grandmother.