That night, he called his sister Marguerite, asking her to flesh out his childhood memories.
His sister Marguerite, happily married in England, was the final temptation which caused him to quit the country the destinies of which he no longer could help to control.
Armand thought that she looked like that carved cameo which his sister Marguerite possessed.
My sister Marguerite is not here, citizen Chauvelin.
There his sister Marguerite was betrothed to Robert Curthose.
Valentin asks his young friend Siébel to take care of his sister Marguerite (O Sainte Medaille).
I used to follow my sister Marguerite to the old Biograph studio and then, one great day, Mr. Griffith noticed me, put me in a picture and I had my chance.
Batty was the eldest of three children; his sister Marguerite and brother Fritz were later to take over the family business.
Gauntier had sailed to Europe frequently where her sister Marguerite was an opera singer who had trained and worked in Germany, and found herself stranded there when World War I broke out.
John Britten was born to Bruce and Ruvae Britten at Christchurch at 10 minutes to midnight and his sister Marguerite just after midnight.