At the age of eleven or twelve, Staton and her sister Maggie were sent to the Jewell Christian Academy in Nashville, Tennessee.
Carrie visits her sister Maggie (Amy Hargreaves).
He looks exactly the same as his sister Maggie but more masculine.
I've brought your sister Maggie.
Her sister Maggie (Amy Hargreaves) is there to pick her up, but Brody is also there to confront her.
Daphne Broon - The plump, somewhat dowdy daughter who is always playing second fiddle to her beautiful sister Maggie on double dates.
His sister Maggie is not mute.
Her sister Maggie is also on the U.S. national team.
Before leaving for Kenya, Jim and his sister Maggie sold the house to a zamindari family in Bihar.
Karl Neard, his sister Maggie and his Belgian friend Freddy Merckx embrace this career in hopes of making easy money.