Gardner was the second born of three children, after his sister Katherine who was four years his elder, and before his brother Wayne.
She was also taken abroad with her sister Katherine by her mother and toured Europe several times.
Allan (Perkins) is suffering from hysterical blindness following a fire that killed his father and scarred his sister Katherine (Harris).
Jonah, his parents, and his sister Katherine meet James Reardon.
Have you so soon forgot the entertainment Her sister Katherine welcome'd you withal?
Quinn family letter written by sister Katherine for Mary Quinn's eulogy, 1939-1940.
Frank Thorney wakes up with Susan's sister Katherine at his bedside.
Juhen told me all about how it had been with his sister Katherine in the years before the war.
Until he found out just what Sera was, his sister Katherine would benefit from this arrangement.
One brother died young, and another had a mental disability, so Sara and her sister Katherine were joint heirs of their father's estate.