His sister Clara, who tells the story, narrowly escapes.
Marie's first public appearance was in 1842, when she and her sister Clara performed at a concert in Dresden.
She and her sister Clara soon hit upon an idea that was to revolutionize the world of print advertising.
His sister Clara married Simon-Napoléon Parent, who later served as premier of Quebec.
And he didn't even want to think about the women- widows, mostly- that his sister Clara and her husband Hamish were constantly introducing him to.
His sister Clara (1857-1896) was the mother of Richard Lichtheim.
"Manny was talking to her about retiring," his sister Clara said.
Both Henrietta and her sister Clara spent time with the Princess in Canada, painting landscapes.
His original biography gives insight into his criminal past and names Stroud's sister Clara as his first murder.
Their sister Clara (1841-1905) married into the French family Thevenard.