The pair was married December 23, 1912, at the Toronto home of Edy's sister Blanche.
Later he was considered to be one of the possible fathers of Clementine Hozier (1885-1977), in the course of an affair with his wife's sister Blanche.
His first piano lessons were given by his sister Blanche (1907-1920); later he was taught by several local musicians.
Isabella was the second of eleven children and the eldest surviving child on the death of her sister Blanche in 1243.
Yet her sister Blanche (our mother), growing up in the same household at the same time, saw reindeer on the roof, Santa Claus and expressions of love.
Her sister Blanche did the same.
His sister Blanche was 10 years older.
Orris was 11 years old at the time, and his sister Blanche was 15.
Stanley's life becomes more complicated when Stella's sister Blanche shows up at their door for a seemingly indefinite "visit."
Her mother, a small, worried-looking woman, got up and kissed her, as did her sister Blanche.