On the second day U.S. reconnaissance planes finally located Ozawa's fleet, away and submarines sank two Japanese carriers.
In 1942, Japanese submarines managed to sink two fleet carriers, one cruiser, and a few destroyers and other warships, and damage several others.
U.S. Navy dive bombers sink the Japanese cruiser Mikuma and four Japanese carriers.
During the decisive Battle for Leyte Gulf they went after the Japanese norjjthern force and sank four carriers and a destroyer besides damaging several other ships.
Kurita reported that his force had sunk two carriers, two cruisers, and some destroyers.
On 4-5 June, the American carriers launched their planes to win a great victory, turning the Japanese back in mid-Pacific, and dealing them a tremendous blow by sinking four carriers.
Despite effective enemy anti-aircraft fire, the planes succeeded in sinking four carriers, and a damaged destroyer was later sunk by gunfire.
Screened by Helm and other surface units, the carriers made air contact on 25 October and, in a series of devastating strikes, sank four Japanese carriers and a destroyer.
Reaching striking range during the early hours next morning and shortly after dawn, the carriers launched planes to begin a day-long pounding that sank four carriers and a destroyer.
Miami accompanied them at flank speed as the flattops sank four Japanese carriers and several supporting ships.