Another, attempting to console her mother, suddenly ceased to speak, and sank lifeless to the earth.
And she sank lifeless to the earth.
She clasped her hands, and sank lifeless upon the ground.
I threw it from me, and sank almost lifeless upon my Bier.
Luvini sank lifeless to the floor of the hut.
Offer harm to any one of us, or seek to approach your jeddak until I have spoken, and he shall sink lifeless to the marble.
Without a sound, Kord, Jong of Korva, sank lifeless to the floor.
Voicing a single blood-curdling scream the man sank lifeless to the bottom of the boat.
Kundry, released from her curse, sinks lifeless to the ground as a white dove descends and hovers above Parsifal.
The man's body spasmed, then sank lifeless at his feet.