They sank together into the blood warm water with only their heads, wreathed in leaves, above the surface.
The spear-tip sank into his leg just above the knee.
And where each flashed a lever arose, a button sank or snapped above the level of the board.
Jato leaped through the air between us and sank its blade into his lower arm, just above the wrist.
Farrell sank with only her bow and capstan showing above the water.
Now it was still uncompacted, as light as down; he sank above his knees at every step.
I say- a- sink a hole above the pup, next to the slide.
He sank his teeth into the tender flesh above her collarbone.
You won't sink above your ankles if the size of the snowshoes is right.
With a roar he sank his teeth into the soft flesh above an artery.