"This is the first court to recognize that if you are going to sell a sinister, assault-style weapon, you no longer can have total immunity."
The sinister weapon rested directly above her neck.
Splinters flew as wood cracked against marble and the Klingons suddenly had equally sinister weapons.
Even in her physical discomfort, the thought of her father firing that sinister glistening weapon made her angry.
They bore sinister and wicked-looking weapons, in the form of saw-toothed swords and doubled-headed spears.
Hovering in front of the medium's form appeared a phosphorescent dagger - a sinister weapon wielded by an unseen hand!
To gain the support of the Israeli population, the head of Mossad planted stories about sinister weapons being developed by the German scientists in Egypt.
Before the war, Iraq had significant stockpiles of chemical and biological weapons, and programs to develop even more sinister weapons, including nuclear ones.
Rhodan must have succeeded inside hardly 10 minutes to obtain some sinister weapon on the Planet of Eternal Life.
The newcomer saw the motion and turned towar& him, a small and sinister weapon ready in his hand.