The producer felt casting an actor with a reputation for playing sinister roles would lead the audience to become suspicious of Lydecker earlier than necessary.
But in the last several weeks, three former seminarians have publicly stepped forward to say he also played a secret and sinister role there.
But what happened to them along the way illustrates the often sinister role the hugely popular tabloid press can play in Britain.
Noel Edmonds plays a particularly sinister role, while parsnips will never look the same again .
"The importance of these files comes from their having played such a sinister role," Mr. Klarsfeld said in an interview.
And it is taking on a sinister new role as the contraband of tomorrow.
His speciality was playing sinister and threatening roles, though he also appeared in the title role of 1930's Dreyfus.
A versatile supporting actor, Crisp could be equally good in either lovable or sinister roles.
Studies have shown that male pipefishes can take a rather sinister role.
His sister and one of her academic colleagues played a sinister role in trying to thwart him.