A less sinister interpretation, and probably more accurate, is that they are finding it very hard to run a banking institution in the inner city.
But now it was a grim and sinister interpretation that he put upon them.
Sometimes, an image that would get an innocuous description in an American newspaper is given a more sinister interpretation in the Arab press.
There is another, more sinister interpretation to be made of Philby's reports to Stalin.
So far the doctor had done nothing but help them, but it would be easy to put a sinister interpretation on his work and his motives.
There was a greater disposition all round to put sinister interpretations on what was said and done by the other side.
Most critics have seen it simply as a parting on hostile terms, but others have given their last lines a more sinister interpretation.
The police have discovered that the chair has been wiped, and are choosing to put a sinister interpretation on the fact.
Did a more sinister interpretation not also offer itself?
There was a whisper that could have signified the intercepted breeze, but Wade gave it a more sinister interpretation.