Her work often gives a sinister edge to storybook imagery, emphasizing malicious domination or the subversion of natural order.
The EP is a further throwback to the blues and psychedelic rock music of the late 1960s while retaining a sinister edge.
Markwart echoed, and that laugh came again, but this time it held a sinister edge.
The very normality of the building gave it a sinister edge.
It's not just because of their sinister edge that these pictures seem inappropriate for the Innocence Project.
Why was it that meetings were always aboveboard but meets had a sinister edge to them?
Much the same can be said for Ioanna Forti, whose dark contralto gave Clytemnestra's music a sinister edge.
A more sinister edge of purple was now ringing his eye.
"Glossy enough for the dance floor but retaining that sinister edge."
Has Graham's project lost its sinister edge?