They created a singularly successful formula, in which the Government controls the party and a powerful president controls the government.
Cheever Goodwin, clever at adaptation, at times a most dexterous manipulator in stagecraft, has been singularly successful in this latest venture.
What makes them unique and singularly successful is that they stress goal oriented vision among a limited and distinguished group.
In tracing Rommel's development from a green lieutenant to a confident, seasoned and singularly successful commander, it provides keen insight into his mind and character.
James was a politic, and singularly successful king.
In the latter capacity he was singularly successful.
From this inauspicious beginning emerged a singularly successful research program.
Let me say at once that it was singularly successful.
He has been singularly successful in bringing together the three wings of Republicanism into a coherent bloc and using it to forge, for two national elections, an electoral majority.
She was singularly successful as a writer of songs, in which she combined French delicacy with English solidity.