The agreement is a singular triumph for one man: Chester A. Crocker, Assistant Secretary of State for African Affairs.
It was the youngest swimmer in the group, the 21-year-old Hyman, who produced the first singular triumph.
On any terms the actor has a sincere, singular triumph in a performance that reveals George's wit, dissipation, torment and Pyrrhic victory in what is virtually a one-man show for Mr. Foxworth.
The triumph isn't that he won the Nobel - it's a great thing, but it isn't the singular triumph.
It was at the Paris Salon the previous year where he experienced a singular triumph, with the showing of his Neapolitan Fisherboy, which he had worked on for some years to perfect.
In the widened scope of its presentation, the logic of its organization and the elegance of its installation, the show constitutes a singular triumph for the Metropolitan.
Its singular triumph was in forcing the authorities to set aside budget for establishing treatment centers for opium addicts.
The return of this ancient relic was a singular triumph for Hornfel.
Furthermore, the result, while leaving significant residual dangers, would be a singular triumph.
And those who really follow the comings and goings of the guide may notice that its symbol, the bloated "Michelin man" named Bibendum, has been slimmed down, a singular triumph perhaps for cuisine minceur.