He praised the album as a singular piece writing that "From start to end the album is a solid listening experience, offering more with every additional spin.
This act is now the singular piece of legislation that takes the place of four previous acts (the universities, colleges, Banff Centre and technical institutes acts).
Another singular piece, the exhibition's lone sculpture, comes from the same time period as the self-portrait.
She was entirely unreal, a singular piece of code, his only trustworthy confidante.
Basil Hall called it "one of the most singular pieces of engineering in the world".
Virginia made contact with the singular most fascinating piece of his anatomy, and she went still.
The shell is not a singular piece of material, but rather two identical halves split down a vertical line.
Each column is made from a singular piece of artificial stone.
It was the most singular piece of workmanship he had ever encountered.
The present study has been concerned with larger and more singular pieces, most of which would be included in a normal but extended performance of Šur.