It was then, he said, that he found the singular image that connected each of his subjects.
You have an opportunity to become a brand if you keep your focus on that singular image.
Every aspect of their movement conveys the same singular image - shimmering glamour and modern, urbane energy - that made their music such a hit.
"We were reacting to the visual buzz," Mr. Ropiha said, "and tried to create a strong singular image in contrast."
"Lighting is especially important in terms of retail," he said, "of how the food is displayed to convey a very singular image."
The blocks were then assembled together to form a singular large image.
His recent experimentation though have been with glass, composing a singular image three dimensionally by placing differently drawn layers of glass together.
The singular image that repulses her now as much as it did then is the mattress stained on both sides with urine.
It is all about finding simplicity, a singular iconic image, something that evokes emotion from the viewer.
And Drizzt Do'Urden tuned it out, focusing instead on a singular image.