For example, the proportion of elderly People living in the cities seems destined to rise, and many of these will be single-person households.
It's young singles looking for town houses (there are more single-person households in suburbia now than two-parent families).
However, dramatic social changes can also occur during this time, such as increasing divorce rates, postponement of marriage, and single-person households.
Can I ask how many of these tips are gathered from single-person households?
In the city, there are more single-person households where there is no one else to take a message.
The single-person households have also been spreading due to the high self-esteem it offers.
The 15.8% of those 65 years or older living alone made up a substantial portion of the 37.1% single-person households.
And there are more single-person households and later marriages.
The discount for a single-person household will be set at 25 per cent.
According to the 1980 census, single-person households constitute the fastest-growing sector of the population.