M6117 is a highly integrated, low voltage, single-chip implementation of the Intel 386SX compatible microprocessor plus ALi M1217 chipset.
The single-chip implementation was handled by Sam Nicolino, while John Palevich and Tom Zimmerman wrote support software.
In these roles he led the development of Elbrus2000 (single-chip implementation of Elbrus-3) and Elbrus90micro (SPARC computer based on domestically developed microprocessor) projects.
Starting in 1984, Atari started an effort to develop a single-chip implementation of the Alles Machine in their Project GAZA.
The F8 was released in a single-chip implementation (the Mostek 3870) in 1977.
If we took the chip below to be a single-chip implementation of our 10,000-transistor processor from Part I, then each of the 36 squares would have, say, 300 transistors in it.
A single-chip implementation would have been ideal, but, for reasons we ll get into in a moment, it wasn t feasible without a radical rethinking of current designs.
Data General also produced a series of single-chip implementations of the Nova processor as the microNOVA.
Zorro III was optimized for future single-chip implementations of the protocol, but the resources available at Commodore in 1990 limited the initial implementation.
In 1969, CTC contracted two companies, Intel and Texas Instruments, to make a single-chip implementation, known as the CTC 1201.