Nowadays, it was known that many single-celled animals survived freezing just fine, and without having to retreat to deepnesses.
Stein's scientific work focused on invertebrates, and mainly on Diptera, as well as single-celled animals.
The malaria parasite, a single-celled animal known as a protozoan, belongs to a higher order of complexity.
She carefully dragged a wire loup through the colony of single-celled animals.
"The only single-celled animal affected by the viral drug was B. meresgerii," Margo continued slowly.
These are of two main kinds: algae known as diatoms, and flagellates, which have many of the qualities of single-celled animals.
Are you saying that anything so huge is a single-celled animal?
Many were protozoans, single-celled animals larger and more structurally complex than bacteria.
It is interesting because it is a single-celled animal large enough to be seen with a naked eye.
Some single-celled animals have a light-sensitive spot with a little pigment screen behind it.