She paused for what seemed an eternity to all present as a single teardrop began its slow journey down her cheek.
A single teardrop falls into her glass, turning the pop seven different colors.
They call him evil, a lunatic, a man without a single teardrop of fear or remorse in his prison-buffed body.
His current projects include a handsaw and a single rice-grain-sized teardrop for every victim of the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks.
Next to Roberta, the rifle-packing young mother bit down on her trembling lower lip, a single teardrop leaking from the corner of her eye.
A single teardrop causes another avalanche, that traps him inside, where he freezes to death while hallucinating a happy reunion with his parents.
Dark Star nodded her head silently, a single teardrop drooling down her puffy red cheeks.
A single teardrop spilled down Muta's face.
Pikkle watched as a single teardrop oozed from his friend's closed eyelid.
The emerald amulet provided a single teardrop of color against her snowy bosom.