Haven't seen a single snowflake in Vancouver this year.
Bear Noel is as simple, complex and elegant a story as each single snowflake.
Inside a single snowflake you can find a lifetime of questions and answers regarding the universe and Nature.
A single snowflake drifted out of the sky and touched her lips.
A single snowflake is typically a single crystal, while an ice cube is a polycrystal.
In a gray town, a single snowflake falls.
He screamed denial even as his pent-up power caused each mirror to melt like a single snowflake on a raging campfire.
In the dark, the boy eventually returned to her, slowly, like a lazy leaf in the wind, like a single snowflake, the first flurry of winter.
Not a single snowflake kept its identity on Amsel's skin.
Don't dwell on the details of the novel too long or they will melt away like single snowflakes striking a windowpane.