"Only in the role within the role," he returned and upended the bottle, taking a single hard slug.
Not a single slug from that roaring blast of death had touched the frightened young man outside the police station!
A single slug was all that he could take.
"Exactly my point," he said, snatching one of the glasses and downing its contents in a single slug.
In many of the species a single slug can impregnate itself, although cross-fertilization is more normal.
Wood splinters and a single hot spent slug rained down on me.
A single slug caught Bata high in the shoulder.
When letters were set one at a time, it made sense to cast a phrase used repeatedly as a single slug of metal.
Seyfarth tested it anyway, releasing a single slug into the nearest wall.
The single 240-grain slug smashed through the first mutant's head, then the second and finally the third.