Thurna, a broad-shouldered beefy man with ragged blond hair, marched up the green carpet, carrying a single scroll as if it were a naked blade.
One special case held a single yellowing scroll, neatly hand-penned in old Akkallan, with a dozen signatures scrawled at the bottom.
How will you reduce all you want to say into a single scroll?
No more than your memories form a single con-tinuous scroll.
Sammel steps inside and walks to the crude table, where he picks up a single scroll.
Since he has received but a single scroll from his younger sister, and that far too many eightdays ago, he worries.
Although the parchment was brown, the ink on the single scroll was dark enough that she could easily read the words.
When every single scroll had been rescued, I looked at her lying there.
In the teahouse, a single scroll hangs near a meticulously executed flower arrangement.
Let's view this as a single continuous scroll.