The single rune expanded.
The runes for Hróaldr contain a bind rune which is a ligature that combines an l-rune and t-rune into a single rune.
Not that it had done him any good, he had no idea of the meaning of even a single rune since they were not Kundalan.
His translating had gone slowly through the late hours; he thought he had discerned the meaning of just a single rune.
Since a single rune may represent several different phonemes, normalizations can differ greatly from transliterations.
A single rune is a certh.
The runes instruct them to dig near the tree, where they find a box containing a golden disc pendant, enscribed with a single rune, meaning success.
The single rune increased in size, becoming as large as the dwarf, then as broad as a human, taller than the elf.
It was common to only carve a single rune for two consecutive letters, even when the letters were at the end of one word and the beginning of a second word.
A bind rune is a ligature that combines one or more runes into a single rune.