Her voice was sweet and true, rising and falling like a single petal tossed on the wind.
It was a single petal from a rose, its colour indistinguishable by this light, but pale, deepening round the tip.
Each ray floret is anatomically an individual flower with a single large petal.
Enrique pulled a single petal from a pink rose which lay piled with half a dozen others in a box.
Depending on the angle, the two bottom petals can appear to be a single petal that strongly resembles the large, upper petal.
Each square is folded multiple times with the aid of tweezers and cut into a single petal.
Tired though he might be, he would not crush a single one, or roll a wheel over a single fallen petal.
Recall how fragile she is... imagine she's a flower blossom, and you don't want to disturb a single petal.
A single palm-sized petal, waxy; thousands of them waving in the breeze.
Zinneas are especially interesting because they can have single or multi-colored petals.