Usually, he said, a single partner will take charge of a design as it nears completion.
Every single partner is s good as any lawyer in town at what he does and better than ninety-nine percent of the field.
During the last year, two-thirds had remained faithful to a single partner.
But I didn't have a single partner who said to me afterwards that in a corporate sense I'd done the wrong thing.
There was not a single partner in Memphis.
Assume that a sole proprietor agreed to admit a single equal partner for a certain amount of money.
It was a good rule, especially since it had yet to eliminate a single sexual partner - until today, that is.
"Even if one exchange wanted to do a deal with Instinet as a single partner, we don't really think that's the way to go."
The slogan means limiting oneself to a single sexual partner.
Let us stick to our single partners and stop over-indulging.