There are artists who labor for months over a single painting of half the quality your work shows.
And once a year since 1990, he has made a single, life-size painting of a different young woman standing naked against a white wall.
This small show centers on a single painting by him in the museum's collection.
I know individuals who will spend $10 or $15 million on a single painting.
A single abstract painting done in red, black, and white adorned the wall above the bed.
He might struggle for months on a single painting.
Perhaps taking time out for second breakfast is like visiting a museum to see a single painting.
He showed them the single painting he had made on the trip.
Sometimes they did these things all at once, forming an extensive narrative across the surface of a single painting.
That single painting accounted for nearly 71 percent of the sale's total, $70.3 million.