The recent single origin of modern humans in East Africa is the predominant position held within the scientific community.
Having said that, one needs to be careful about attributing a "cause and effect" to a single origin.
Although plastids likely had a single origin, not all plastid-containing groups are closely related.
They generally can be subdivided in two categories, single origin versus multiple origins.
Current genetic and archaeological evidence generally support a "recent single origin" of modern humans in East Africa.
People with the surname Camp have no single origin or ancestor, the name instead having been chosen by different families over a few centuries.
The variety of players and sports involved seemed too diffuse for a single origin.
The accent varies in various regions even though unmistakably of a single origin.
Aligned in genetic tree differences were interpreted as supportive of a recent single origin.
However it is uncertain whether the ferox of different lakes all are of a single origin.