In grammar, a compound subject is a type of subject where two or more individual noun phrases are coordinated to form a single, larger noun phrase.
When asked what he talks to the President about, Vernon has replied frequently and famously with a single feline noun.
Herethere,' Shep said, making a single noun from two.
In the U.S. this term can also be used as a single noun instead of only an adjective.
Verbs at their most unproductive can incorporate only a single noun.
In both languages, single nouns use a postpositive definite article.
Sometimes a single noun is used to designate both masculine and feminine beings.
A series noun markers may follow a single noun.
In her raving there was not a single specific noun, but only verbs and pronouns.
Where we would use a single noun, 'door', the Yilane would have different constructions.