Instead, it's controlled by a single knob that toggles through audio, navigation and vehicle functions.
Controls are operated with a single large, multifunction knob located between the front seats.
There is even a good old-fashioned single knob for the headlights, and other manufacturers should take note.
Also, there are four of them, instead of the sensible single knob that used to work so well on every manufacturer's car.
Not a single knob or lever protrudes anywhere - all controls are flush with the surface.
The lights work with a single old-fashioned knob, which is all to the good.
All prices are for single knobs unless otherwise noted.
The Single Knot type, found in the central Balkans, has a single knob.
A single knob with rose is $154.
Another thing to be happy about in this switch-crazed era is a single knob for the headlights.