Hence, errors of this kind in the final result tend to be limited to that of a single iteration (two gray scale units).
During this testing, faulty elements of the software can be quickly identified because few changes are made within any single iteration.
A single iteration results in one or more bite-sized but complete packages of project work that can perform some tangible business function.
This ends the description of a single iteration of Dekker's method.
That question is answered when we examine the overall scheme for study, the flow chart of a single iteration of the model.
A single iteration of photolithography combines several steps in sequence.
In practice, a single iteration is usually sufficient for most comparisons.
By developing in iterations, software projects can limit effort wasted to a single iteration.
Bowring showed that the single iteration produces the sufficiently accurate solution.
The only three-digit numbers for which this function does not work are repdigits such as 111, which give the answer 0 after a single iteration.