It allows me to control what singles get released and in what order.
Their hit singles are Lips of an Angel, How Long and Get Stoned.
You singles can't get that close to physical paradise even in an orgy.
(Married people get $500,000 profit tax-free; singles get $250,000.)
"It used to have a lot of group houses, but now all those singles have gotten married and there are a lot of babies running around."
They have now crafted their sound to a hard rock/dubstep direction and their unreleased singles have been getting record label interest.
After a five and a half hour rain delay, the reverse singles finally got under way, before being suspended midway through the first set.
Neither singles got the video treatment and promotion was minimal, which led to the singles and the album going largely unnoticed.
Her singles have gotten almost zero airplay.
Back-to-back singles with one out got the rally started in the top of the first for the Reds.