The dog managed a single flick of its tail, then dipped its nose and sniffed something on the ground.
If you use momentum, you can easily scroll to the bottom of a giant window with a single, fast flick of the finger.
He sends Taisou flying with a single flick of his finger.
Eventually he possessed the ability to make an object or person with what appeared to be nothing more than a single flick of paint.
She waved the whole idea of the past away with a single flick of the hand.
This is primarily based on (motorway) lane-switching, where a single flick of the indicator will cause it to flash between two and six times.
I can destroy you with a single flick of My finger!
He was literally repulsed by a single flick of the middle finger of Invalid's right hand.
Just a warm press of my lips to the palm of his hand, a single flick of my tongue.