It led her to the child's bedroom, a small room with a single cot, its walls decorated with nursery wallpaper.
Though she was sitting on the cell's single cot in a contemplative-looking lotus position, she appeared to be having trouble concentrating.
One room that did not at first seem so dreadful held only a single small cot, oddly woven from a mesh of leather straps.
At night they curled up with each other on a single cot and slept, peacefully.
He apparently lived alone in the three-room hut, which has only a single narrow cot.
Her bags were parked neatly on the tent's single cot.
The single cot was fastened to the wrong wall, and there was no other furniture.
And in the center, beneath the light's yellow glare, was a single cot of tattered canvas.
"My father's garage," replied Lily, her back to him as she went to sit on the single cot that graced the room.
Led away, he was given bread and wine, then shown to a tent where he stretched out gratefully upon the single cot.