But there was no single commander or staff to make a professional assessment of its chances of success.
Here was where every single gifted commander for two generations had been studied intimately.
The French army was led by a single commander who alone made the decisions.
These groups do not seem to have coordinated their efforts on the battlefield, nor did they have a single commander in chief.
But it has never been clear, although the army has a single commander, who controls these forces now.
It requires a single commander with the requisite authority to direct all forces in pursuit of a unified purpose.
Despite increasing American pressure, the army has not disciplined a single commander.
The free spirits who had clung with the Arshaum acknowledged no single commander.
It can literally mean a pack, a routing party and/or a detachment that has a single commander.
Rwandan military officials say it is not clear whether the guerrillas have a single commander or are broken into independent groups.