A real other song, not a single clone of their Macarena !
Clearly, single clones did not dominate patches even at this very fine scale.
Thus they can be said to form a single "clone".
In animals where cloning has succeeded, it remains very inefficient, often requiring 100 or more eggs to get a single viable clone.
Even one single clone can look very different under various growth conditions (modifications) or different times of the year.
There was a single clone in ctg16024, 463J22 that our data place in ctg16021, near 228I15.
Plants are self-sterile, and colonies consisting of a single clone do not set seed.
All the antibodies produced from any single such clone are identical.
A single clone contained a 441 bp insert.
The single surviving clone is a popular ornamental plant, grown for its rich dark red-brown flowers.