Listen to the young mother fuss over a single chick.
Each parent feeds the single chick for 2-3 days and then leaves for up to three weeks in search of food.
Richard: You described yourself on the phone as a poor, single, black chick from Brooklyn facing this illness.
The single chick is in the nest for approximately 1 month prior to fledging.
Most pairs of Adelie penguins will only manage to raise a single chick each season.
The usual clutch is one egg but two are sometimes laid and only a single chick is successfully raised in a season.
Usually only a single chick survives due to aggression between young birds.
Both parents tend the nest and feed the single chick.
China also banned all Dutch poultry, after a single chick was found to have chicken plague.
Go for the single chicks, they're cheaper in the long run.