They were allowed to keep their muskets and a single symbolic cannon, but no ammunition.
The police boat was edging off a little - gaining space in which to use its single cannon, she realized, and shook her head.
The film was produced on a low budget, with only a handful of extras and a single cannon.
The Empire also had ships that carried single large cannon or mortars.
On March 3, 1856, the sound of a single cannon's solitary fire signaled an end to the war.
There was a dull boom off to the right; the firing of a single cannon.
How many would it take for even a single cannon?
The fort was well-constructed and the Patriots could not find a ready means of attack, since they only had a single cannon.
The original Abrams tank was designed to fire a single 105mm cannon that was similar in energy.
Remains of a single cannon lays at the top.