On any radar, the three planes would show as a single blip.
Not a single blip appeared on our radar and there wasn't even a disturbance when we crossed the Barrier.
While he watched, a single blip reappeared on the screen, heading southwest toward the carrier.
Rather, the single blip disappeared from the radar screen, then there was no return at all.
The oncoming AS-4 missiles had been targeted on a single blip.
On the screen the orange spot almost seemed to be merging with, overflying, the single green blip.
There was only a single blip to be seen.
It hadn't registered with a single blip on the screen.
His image shrank to a single blip of blue-green, and then that was gone as well.
The single blip of light had become two, close together and crossing the scope's outer ring toward the middle one.