If this pair of axioms describe all the ways in which fluent can change value, they can be rewritten as a single axiom:
Indeed, many of the reasons for choosing a helicopter over, say, a chauffeured limousine, boil down to a single axiom: Time is money.
IF there is any single axiom of the digital age, it must be this: for every advance, there is a scourge.
And that single axiom made all anomalies disappear, caused things to fall into place with an almost audible click.
Benz created his own form of logic which he could derive from a single axiom, which no one other than him can understand.
This single axiom is the beta rule from the lambda calculus.
IFF-1 and IFF-2 can, if desired, be combined into a single axiom using conjunction.
For example, the weak classical system is consistent with this single axiom, because has a model in which every function is computable.
Our universe is a gorgeous computation that, starting with a single axiom of great simplicity, has been running for thirteen billion years.
It can also be considered as a theory in second-order logic, where now the separation axiom is just a single axiom.