Every single adult has the responsibility to hold up the side.
On an average night last month, there were 7,198 single adults in the city's shelters systems.
A single adult, on the same salary but without children, will lose just £13 a month.
"They're below what is considered necessary to meet the minimum needs of a single adult."
Only 6 percent of the immigrant families had a single adult.
There are about 5,600 families and 6,600 single adults in the city's shelter system.
For single adults, sanctions range from three to six months without any benefits.
Of about 25,000 single adults who entered the system in a given year, half left after a week and did not return.
We don't see a single adult until the book's final page.
About 4,466 families, including 7,749 children, and more than 7,000 single adults stay in city shelters on any given night, officials said.