But the singer is clearly struggling with how far to go in endorsing free-market solutions to Africa's problems.
On this occasion, the singers struggled bravely to make each note tell, but often found it necessary to slow down or otherwise alter the rhythm to do so.
The singer struggles to do things right, but it doesn't help.
She often sang with Elisabeth Schwarzkopf, who said in an interview that Seefried could do easily some things which other singers struggled all their lives to do.
Grammy-winning singer and actress Alanis Morissette struggled with eating disorders in her teens and 20s.
In "Hail, Hail," the singer struggles to hold together a troubled romance ("Are we bound out of obligation?
Indeed, all four Mignon songs were uneven, with some purely lovely moments, some too-heavy singing and an overall sense that the singer was struggling to find her voice.
Whatever the shortcomings of the four works, and however much the singers and instrumentalist struggled with them during the workshops, everything came together for the concert on Sunday.
In concert footage that has surfaced online, the "OMG"singer struggled making it through his song "Lovers And Friends."