In the music video, the singer is sitting on the back seat of a convertible car, driven by a chauffeur.
The singer, the star, sat still and stared ahead as though he'd lost power and was waiting for repairs.
The young singer sat in a corner, playing a slow song to himself.
Some churches have a choir loft, where the singers stand or sit during services.
The singer sits uncomfortably on the edge of a chair.
When the song was over and the singer sat down, she smiled and sipped her drink as though it were nothing.
The video ends with both singers sitting in an oldtimer and driving down the street.
Opening the show, the set consisting of two red chairs on which each singer sat on, as well as a balcony for Green.
In 1956, the singer sat for a portrait she drew.
Four singers sit at a table playing cards with a giant deck and chattering about mundane mysteries of life.